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Blacklist Wild Bill Tobacco
The Adventure Begins Scam, Backstabbing, Betrayal and Sellout (BLACKLISTED) The History
Blacklisted per direct instruction of Tahrir Kalasho to OFFICIALLY
One identified location: Wild Bill's Tobacco 25007 Van Dyke Ave, Center
Line, MI 48015 USA Tel. (586) 755-5499
Certain individuals the names of these individuals are temporary
confidential, these same individuals that have large shares, and large
stocks, and/or invested interest with Smokers Outlet and Wild Bill's
Tobacco https://www.wildbillstobacco.com/ and
including their affiliates. These same individuals have intentionally
chosen to rip off large amount of $$$ from myself and also from certain of
my family members & personal individuals, due to their deceit, trickery,
or other wrongful acts, this is to be recognize that the unlawful acts
committed by these certain (confidential) individuals that holds and/or
control large stock & shares, & financial interest in Smokers Outlet and
Wild Bill's Tobacco this needs to be rectified, & full compensation is
hereby demanded otherwise Blacklist as scam artist and fraudsters will
remain & continue against Smokers Outlet and Wild Bill's Tobacco https://www.wildbillstobacco.com/ and
including their affiliated business partners.
E-Mail address: socialmedia@wildbillstobacco.com/
MY Vapors Store https://www.myvaporstore.com/
SPECIAL NOTE: ALWAYS APPLICABLE... Any and ALL Information being described, identified, & indicated herein at this Website Page are being provided pursuant
to the Applicable Laws being described below, they include the following
but not limited to: Also see U.S. Federal Courts "What Does Free Speech Mean?" http://www.uscourts.gov/EducationalResources/ClassroomActivities/FirstAmendment/WhatDoesFreeSpeechMean.aspx
Also Wikipedia "Freedom of Speech": http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_speech Also,
"UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS" http://www.un.org/en/documents/udhr/index.shtml
The real "Wild Bills Tobacco" · Home · Twitter Page And The History (Photos/Documents) Get In Touch! Send me a message at contact@officiallyblacklisted.info . I will do my best to get back to you ASAP! Blacklisted per direct instruction
One identified location: Wild Bill’s Tobacco 25007 Van Dyke Ave, Center
Line, MI 48015 USA Tel. (586) 755-5499 Certain individuals the names of these individuals are temporary confidential, these same individuals that have large shares, and large stocks, and/or invested interest with Smokers Outlet and Wild Bill’s Tobacco https://www.wildbillstobacco.com/ and including their affiliates. These same individuals have intentionally chosen to rip off large amount of $$$ from myself and also from certain of my family members & personal individuals, due to their deceit, trickery, or other wrongful acts, this is to be recognize that the unlawful acts committed by these certain (confidential) individuals that holds and/or control large stock & shares, & financial interest in Smokers Outlet and Wild Bill’s Tobacco this needs to be rectified, & full compensation is hereby demanded otherwise Blacklist as scam artist and fraudsters will remain & continue against Smokers Outlet and Wild Bill’s Tobacco https://www.wildbillstobacco.com/ and including their affiliated business partners. E-Mail address: socialmedia@wildbillstobacco.com/ MY Vapors Store https://www.myvaporstore.com/ SPECIAL NOTE: ALWAYS APPLICABLE… Any and ALL Information being described, identified, & indicated herein at this Website Page are being provided pursuant
to the Applicable Laws being described below, they include the following
but not limited to: Also see U.S. Federal Courts “What Does Free Speech Mean?” http://www.uscourts.gov/EducationalResources/ClassroomActivities/FirstAmendment/WhatDoesFreeSpeechMean.aspx
Also Wikipedia “Freedom of Speech”: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_speech Also,
“UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS” http://www.un.org/en/documents/udhr/index.shtml Copyright, All rights reserved. OFFICIALLY BLACKLISTEDSelf Alliance P.O. Box 833 Hazel |